60 Years: The Community Partner Perspective
March 5, 2024
As a homegrown business, Miller Fabrication Solutions maintains a deep commitment to Brookville, Penn., our surrounding communities, Jefferson County and western Pennsylvania. This is where many of our leaders and team members have grown up, gone to school and chosen as the place we will live, work, play and raise families.
As a company and as individuals, in various ways, we support organizations, events and initiatives throughout the county. We hold dear our intent to positively impact the local economy and enrich employees’ lives.
Miller partners with civic, county and regional leaders to support economic development. As we near the end of our year-long 60th anniversary recognition, we asked a leader with whom we’ve worked extensively – Jefferson County Treasurer Jim “Moon” VanSteenberg – to provide his perspective on Miller’s 60 years in business and how Miller’s presence has affected the community and the region.
Moon, as everyone calls him, has served the County for almost 20 years but has known the Millers for even longer. He grew up alongside a group of Miller family members. He has seen firsthand what the community means to the company, and vice versa. Here’s what he had to say:

Q: How does Miller support the community?
They give time and funds to many local causes, including sponsoring Little League teams and the annual Brookville Laurel Festival (a week-long community celebration event). The Millers support the community because they care, not because they want public recognition. They have done so much for western Pennsylvania, and the area is a better place because of them.
Q: What kind of economic impact does Miller make locally?
As a major employer in the county and region with about 400 employees, Miller helps fuel our local economy. The company’s work brings hundreds of thousands of dollars into the community. They provide family-sustaining jobs and opportunities for advancement within the company. Sometimes, they even save jobs. That’s essentially what happened when a big plant shut down in Homer City and Miller Fabrication Solutions bought the facility. It was a way for Miller to meet growing customer demand, but it also meant most of those employees still had work.
Q: Why do you think Miller has been successful for 60 years?
I think the biggest reason is because their word means something. A handshake from Miller leaders is as reliable as any contract an attorney could prepare. It’s so rare to find people and companies like Miller who keep their word. You can carve what they say in stone. They’re honest, hard-working people with integrity, and that counts for a lot.
Q: How is Miller’s 60th anniversary significant to the Brookville community?
Because they have built their business model and their legacy on integrity, their word and their family name, that has created an environment with their employees and customers that will carry them forward for countless years to come.
Eric Miller is the third generation to lead the company. That gives me even more confidence in their continued success – first because so few companies make it to this point, both in number of years in business and familial generations of leadership, and second because Eric is a very smart guy with a lot of good years left to run the company.
He grew up here. This is his home, so I know the company will keep doing good things for our community. And, while I probably won’t be around to see it, I think they’ll make it to their 100th anniversary – and beyond. They’re an invaluable community partner.
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