An Ironclad Commitment to Safety and Health
Safety is paramount at Miller Fabrication Solutions. Maintaining a safe and healthful work environment isn’t just an idea; it’s our top priority. Eliminating or controlling both known and potential safety and health hazards is a responsibility shared by all management, supervisors, shop floor and administrative personnel, each and every day.
This approach involves the planning and execution of comprehensive Health and Safety Systems that include, but is not limited to, the following components:
- Initial and ongoing employee training
- Routine department and self-inspections
- Frequent metal fabrication safety communications and audits
- Departmental employee first responders
- Hazard/pattern analyses
- Administrative/work practice/engineering controls
- Mandated usage of personal protective equipment
- Occupational screening services and exposure monitoring
People are our Priority
The Miller Health and Safety Systems are certified to ISO 45001:2018, the first internationally-agreed standard for occupational health and safety management. According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 45001 puts health and safety at the core of the business strategy. For Miller, this certification underscores the importance of these Systems to protect our most valued asset: our people.
A safe environment is a productive environment. And only a productive environment can deliver the superior quality level you should expect from Miller Fabrication Solutions.